Report: Field Trip to Bukit Kiara - Discover Amphibians & Reptiles (CAKE11)
By HY Leong
Kids: 11 (7-12 yo)
Parents: 11
Total: 22 registered (22 attended)
CAKE Mentors: 6
On September 14, 2024, ten families—six from the MNS Selangor Branch and four from Friends of Bukit Kiara (FoBK), including 11 children—embarked on an exciting night adventure at Kiara Hills Federal Park (Bukit Kiara).
MNS Selangor Branch and Friends of Bukit Kiara member participants with CAKE mentors Photo: HY Leong |
This inaugural herpetofauna-themed field trip was organised by the MNS Selangor Branch’s Climate Action Kids Engagement (CAKE) programme in collaboration with the MNS Selangor Herp Group and FoBK. Its goal was to introduce participants to the fascinating world of reptiles and amphibians, how a changing climate affected them, and little steps kids could do to help.
ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, to register for this field
trip, participants were required to adhere to specific guidelines,
including physical fitness, attentiveness, and following instructions from the mentors.
The event began with an indoor session at the BAKTI Siti Hasmah Building. Chan
Yik Khan, coordinator of MNS Selangor’s Herp Group and affectionately
known as Chan, delivered an engaging presentation on Malaysia’s diverse
herpetofauna. He highlighted the threats these species face from climate
change and habitat loss.
Photo: HY Leong |
FoBK’s Marcus Lim, CAKE’s youngest mentor at just 12 years old, and I led an activity demonstrating simple ways children can make their garden more amphibian-friendly. Marcus also shared about his tadpole aquarium.
Creating a frog-friendly garden. Photo: HY Leong |
From right to left facing the camera, CAKE Mentors reviewing the creative results of the children! Photo: HY Leong |
A highlight of the session was a hands-on interaction with a corn snake (Pantherophis guttatus), sparking excitement among the children. Chan, joined by Herp Group's Secretary Harleen Rai Kaur, introduced the participants to the snake’s physical features and unique adaptations.
Chan Yik Khan explaining the anatomy of a corn snake (Pantherophis guttatus). Photo: Masatoshi Sone |
After the indoor activities and packed dinner, a weather check was conducted to ensure it was safe to proceed with the night walk. Despite initial concerns due to overcast skies, the weather cleared, and the group ventured into Bukit Kiara's forest.
Equipped with flashlights, we encountered a variety of fascinating creatures. Chan, Harleen, and Marcus, accompanied by his guardian Lim Koon Hup, guided participants in identifying species and understanding their ecological significance.
David Victor A/L Arumanayagam, a MNS Selangor Branch volunteer, and I acted as sweepers, ensuring no child or parent strayed from the group during the field trip.
The group saw three Malayan softshell turtles (Dogania subplana), White-lipped tree frog (Chalcorana labialis), Spotted litter frog (Leptobrachium hendricksoni), Oriental garden fence lizard (Calotes versicolor), Earless agamid (Aphaniotis fusca) and Green crested lizard (Bronchocela cristatella).
Harleen Rai Kaur holding an Earless agamid (Aphaniotis fusca). The inside of the mouth is light blue. Photo: Choo Li Hsian |
Spotted litter frog (Leptobrachium hendricksoni). Photo: Masatoshi Sone |
White-lipped tree frog (Chalcorana labialis). Photo: Ooi Keng Hong |
When they are not serving as committee members of the MNS Herp Group, Harleen and Chan, along with Marcus and Koon Hup, work or volunteer with FoBK. Together, they regularly organise herpetology night walks in Bukit Kiara.
Night walks typically result in zero to one snake sighting. However, tonight's walk was a remarkable success, with a record-breaking number of snakes spotted. To celebrate, Chan, Harleen, and Marcus took a group selfie.
We spotted six snakes, including a White-bellied Rat Snake (Ptyas fusca), a Painted Bronzeback (Dendrelaphis pictus), and four Triangle Keelbacks (Xenochrophis trianguligerus).
Chan Yik Khan introduces a White-bellied Rat Snake (Ptyas fusca). Photo: HY Leong |
White-bellied Rat Snake (Ptyas fusca). Photo: Choo Li Hsian |
A young participant gently touches a Painted Bronzeback (Dendrelaphis pictus). Photo: JD Tan |
Triangle Keelback (Xenochrophis trianguligerus) Photo: Masatoshi Sone |
To further enhance future CAKE field trips, a post-trip survey was conducted to gather feedback from participants and mentors. The insights gained from the survey will be used to refine the next herp CAKE. Below are several candid reviews shared in the chat group.
Member's Reviews:
"I guess this is one of the more special ones as it is held at night, more 'adventurous' and filled with surprises and the best part is there is less mosquito nuisance." - Justin
"We had a fantastic time. Awesome mentors & guides. Amazed with Marcus' expertise at such a young age!" - JD
"Thanks for a really amazing evening. We go to the hill regularly and this is the first time we’ve been at night. A totally different experience! Thank you so much for helping to watch and manage the group HY." - Li Hsian
Selangor Branch's CAKE11 is a collaboration with MNS
Selangor Branch Herp Special Interest Group, Friends of Bukit Kiara and Kiara Hills Federal Park (Bukit Kiara).