Report: Field trip to learn about Carbon Guzzlers (CAKE9)

Text by HY Leong
Photos by HY Leong, Ilyana Hassya, Eileen Chwee, Aisha De Alwis, Mary Lim & Dominic Wong

On 13th July 2024 (Saturday), 10 MNS kid members and 11 parents made their way to Rimba Ilmu Botanic Garden, Universiti Malaya to learn about the Carbon Guzzlers - Mighty Rain Forest versus Tiny Algae.

Mentored by Rimba Ilmu staff member and MNS Selangor Branch members from Flora special interest group (SIG), Nature Guides SIG and the branch committee, participants spent four hours spread between the Rare Plants and Orchid Conservatory, the botanic garden, the Rain Forest Exhibition, the Courtyard and the Glass Lobby.

Our sincere thanks to KT Yong, Rimba Ilmu Botanic Garden Director for having us over again, and to Free Tree Society Society Kuala Lumpur, thank you for the 10 multi-hued Alternanthera sp. plants for the kids to take home and do their little part!


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